Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Curious on Islam ? Talk by Sheikh Yusuf Estes

Assalamualaikum wbt,

InsyaAllah, Syeikh Yusuf Estes will be coming our way on Monday, 24th Nov 2008 - Dewan MBSA, Jalan Adang, Bukit Jelutong - 830pm.
Refreshment will be served.
Appended below pls find details of the forthcoming event. This is a golden opportunity for dakwah. Do invite your non Muslim friends/neighbours. Admission is free but we welcome contributions of any amount. Jazakallahu khairon.

FYI, Yusuf Estes’s journey into Islam was a very interesting one. If you like to know more, just google “Yusuf Estes”. As any other events organized by MBJ/BJ, we do need volunteers as usher/usherettes and to help distribute refreshments – we are giving out cupcakes and packet drinks.

Hasnah Jalaludin
012 3341744/019 6644546

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