Tuesday, October 21, 2008

BJRA & MasjidBJ AidilFitri Open House

09:00 Open House starts
10:00 Formal opening - welcoming speech by YDP Masjid, Tuan Haji Zainul
10:30 First Storytelling Session
12:00 Second Storytelling Session
01:00 Zohor Prayers,
Solat Hajat dan Doa Selamat
Penyampaian Cenderamata kepada Bakal-bakal Haji

There will also be guided tours of the masjid every half-hour from 10:30
until 12:30. Painting activities, archery and ketupat weaving will be
on-going throughout the morning. And of course, we will do our best to
ensure that food and drink is constantly available throughout the morning.

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